My Feet Are No Longer Cold
I don’t have “cold feet” because I am nervous or scared. As a quadriplegic, my circulation is significantly limited and therefore my feet are constantly cold. Spring, summer, winter, or fall, cold feet. And for some strange reason, my right foot is always colder than my left. I tend to take this in stride and I don’t wear socks in the summer and even the beginning of fall. I do wear socks in the winter, but the drama of the cold feet never disappears. I can’t feel the temperature of my feet, so on a particularly cold day it can be incredibly dangerous.
A few weeks ago, my good friend Rosemary returned home from visiting her daughter-in-law in New York City. She brought with her a pair of the softest socks I have ever felt. I wore them all day and when I took them off at night my attendant commented that my feet were not cold. Thinking that it was a fluke, I wore the socks again, and the same result. Warm feet. This continued, with limited washing in between because I am in love with the socks. It was like a miracle. I did some research, and lo and behold, the socks, that are very affordable, are different. They were Wool/Cotton Knee Socks.
They come from a company called Av-Norden. They are designed after Nordic fashion because such companies are elegantly responding to the eco-ethical crisis of the global fashion industry. They are creating circular economies, leveraging ethical supply chains, and using third-party verified eco-conscious fabrications. That keep you WARM!
Not only do these socks keep me warm, but by using them I am contributing to ecological sustainability. Did you know that of 2400 substances used in clothing manufacturing, researchers found that approximately 30% of identified substances posed a risk to human health? And I learned that the fashion industry CO2 emissions are projected to increase to nearly 2.8 billion tons per year by 2030, equivalent to emissions of 230 million passenger vehicles driven per year. And last of all, garment manufacturing accounts for 20% of global industrial water pollution.
With these statistics, how can I not buy the socks? And invest in other products made by this company? The founder, Jenny Jackson, has been working for a long time to launch a venture that would contribute to a healthier, more responsible, and more engaged fashion industry. Throughout her career in the fashion industry, she has consistently developed concepts around sustainability, always taking note of how to iterate and make the global fashion industry a better place.
You can’t go wrong when you have warm feet and you are also helping the planet! I plan to line my drawer with Av-Norden socks and so should you!